Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Weekend Wear

This year, we spent Christmas day at my parent's house beginning around 10:30am after our own little family celebrated.  The day was filled with relaxing time spent with family and because of that, I decided to dress accordingly, meaning as comfy as possible.

Scarf: Gifted from India // Top: UO // Jeggings: Target // Boots: Aldo

Thankfully, for us, Christmas day is spent with only one family, making it much less stressful than it has the potential to be.  Are you really busy on Christmas day or do you have all of your family get-togethers ahead of time?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Weekend Wear

This was the weekend for holiday parties.  On this particular Saturday we had an extended family Christmas party immediately followed by a Christmas house party hosted by one of my lovely friends.  And since going out is a pretty big deal to this stay at home mama, I dolled myself up a bit.

Cardigan: Target // Dress: Gap // Leggings: Target // Boots: Aldo

Any excuse to wear a dress and heels, right?  At least that's how I view it in my book.

I can hardly believe Christmas is at the end of the week.  I still have two people to buy for, but I'm hoping that I'll find something in Chicago tomorrow.  Yep, heading off to Chicago tomorrow kidless.  Thank you mom and dad!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Tree, Meet My Two Toddlers

I'm not sure how you handle your kids in regards to your Christmas tree, if you're a parent.  So far, our tree has been tipped over once but we've been successful at being "gentle" to the tree ever since.  It may have something to do with the reenactment of the Raiders of the Lost Ark scene that happened here.  You know the one, where Harrison Ford is running from the giant stone ball?  Just insert two toddlers instead of Indiana Jones and a Christmas tree for the stone and we have ourselves a Hollywood hit.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Weekend Wear

This weekend was as laid back as a weekend can get for us.  We were home both Friday and Saturday night and had nothing planned for Saturday, except decorating the Christmas tree.  It was so low key that it almost boarded boredom.  Almost.

On Sunday we did our usual morning routine, only this time we made muffins the night before instead of going out and buying them.  Eric's favorite bakery stopped making bran muffins on Sunday morning and only offers them on Friday now.  He was very upset at this news, and when we forgot to pick some up on Friday, decided to try his hand at making them.  I couldn't try them, but he said they turned out good, although not as good as the ones he used to get.  I have now set a reminder in my phone for every Friday to pick some up for Sunday.  

For Sunday dinner, we spent afternoon at Eric's parents, celebrating his Grandma's birthday.  We were even able to face time his sister, brother and sister-in-law in California for a bit too.  It was the first time I'd used face time on my phone.  It's really nice, although a little weird holding your phone way out in front of yourself.

That evening we made a ton of nachos and watched a movie with friends.  We have missed a couple of weeks, so it was so great to see everyone again.  With the holidays, it seems like you either see your friends more or less, depending on how busy your schedules are around this time.

Do you get pretty busy around the holidays?  Do you travel to see family or do they travel to you or is no travel necessary?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas Tree Hunting

The plan was to get out tree last week Saturday.  We had the whole day free.  We were going to go out for breakfast, meet up with my family, go cut down our tree and then spend the afternoon decorating.  I was going to be great, except that on that particular morning, it rained.  A lot.

So we went on Sunday instead.

We went after the boys' nap, but before we had to be at a friend's house for dinner.  And by the time we found a tree, we had to race home, switch vehicles, and zoom off to our dinner plans.  Our poor tree was left in the back of our truck.  But today, almost one week later, it's up and decorated.  And so far, the boys haven't knocked it over, which I would consider a success for two very curious toddlers.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Celebrating Adoption Day

Last week, on the one year anniversary of the boys coming home, we had our families over to celebrate.  We didn't do anything huge.  We had some cake, ordered pizza and made some Congolese food for everyone to try.  In the future, we'll give the boys something we bought them in the DRC, but we decided to wait until they were older and can understand a little better.

The boys tried the Congolese food we made.  They weren't too keen, but soup isn't the easiest thing for kids to eat anyway.   Next year, I want to try a dessert instead of having cake.

Despite the low-keyness of the evening, it was a lot of fun.  It was great to celebrate the boys with the people who love them most and those that were there the day they came home.  I still can't believe it's been a whole year.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Weekend Wear

This weekend we were given a date night and on this particular day I felt a little daring.  Probably not even close to daring for some, but it was daring for me.  A while back I saw a cute skirt on Pinterest that was paired with mustard tights.  I thought it was so cute that I searched and searched for mustard tights, found them and haven't worn them once.

So this particular date night I decided to whip 'em out and hold my head up no matter what affirming or questioning looks I get.

For me, the funniest part is that we got dinner at a pizza place and went to see a movie.  So my daring outfit was seen by a waitress, and maybe a few theatre employees.  Man, I really am brave.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

When Naps Don't Exist for a Day

On Friday, somehow, the boys didn't take naps and the result was partly cute and but mostly grouchy, irritable,  frustrated and exhausted.

After a playgroup in the morning, they fell asleep on the way home.  I brought them in and straight to bed, skipping lunch.  Lunch could happen after their nap.  But they then decided they couldn't wait and got up and if wasn't gracefully either.  After a quick lunch, I put them back down, but without any success.  No napping.

In the afternoon they had a doctors appointment, which you can guess how that went.  Again, they fell asleep in the car but this time I brought them inside and set them on the couch.  They were allowed to nap for 15-20 minutes while I got dinner ready, then I woke them up.

If you're a parent, you know how the rest of the evening went and if you're not, you can imagine.  Needless to say, it was an early bedtime for the kiddos, which was very much appreciated by this mama.

Lord bless nap time, and help those who are experiencing its absence.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Difference a Year can Make

November 29, 2010

November 29, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Adoption Day

One year ago today...

Was the longest morning of my life.
The longest car ride of my life.
The most life-changing day of my life.

One year ago today I became a mom.  No, my children are not one year old.  They are 16 and 18 months to be precise, but one year ago I became their mom and one year ago my life forever changed for the better.

It's been one whole year and life couldn't be more amazing, challenging, rewarding, frustrating, or awe inspiring.  Being a parent is like no other experience I've ever had and it keeps shifting and changing as the boys grow.

So today we are celebrating Baxter and Atticus' homecoming.  It's pretty fitting that it happened around Thanksgiving, because I couldn't be more thankful for the two most precious boys I've ever met in my entire life.

And I can't wait to see what life is like next year and every year after.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Weekend Wears

It's been some time, but I mustered up the motivation to have my photograph taken, which is now resulting in a long overdue weekend wears post.  On Friday night Eric and I had an overnight date, and then had Saturday all to ourselves.  It was truly glorious.  We got breakfast and pretty much thrifted the day away.  A real dream come true in my book.

Tank: Anthro // Cardigan: Target // Jeans: Levi's // Boots: Aldo

Then Sunday was our usual family filled day, which generally calls for very comfy clothes since the afternoon is spent watching football and then a movie.  And besides, I had made an awesome thrift find and had to wear it right away.

Sweater: Thrifted // Jeans: BDG // Shoes: Thrifted

I really can't believe that Thanksgiving is Thursday.  Which also means it's almost the one year anniversary of the boys coming home.  I believe this even less.  Where has this year gone?!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

As of Late

This is a little peak into what has been happening as of late.

I've been spending lots and lots of time with my boys, which isn't that unusual, but we've been stuck indoors more often and Eric has been working a lot, so it's been the three of us lately.  Although, I did go away overnight last weekend for a girls weekend.  It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed hanging out with all the girls there.

I've also been working on getting my Christmas shopping done.  I think I am about half way, with several ideas that just need time in order to finish them, both purchasing and crafting.  I have decided that love crafting gifts.  Any time I've spent crafting this season has been for Christmas related things and it's so much fun.  Especially when you have a really good idea.

In less exciting news, I still plug away at homework during most of the boys' nap time, and have a research paper due in a couple of weeks, which has yet to begin (oops...).  I guess I know how I'll be spending my Thanksgiving break next week.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Our Halloween consisted of the Wonder Pets, a kitten, a couple of lumberjacks and a hot dog.  One Wonder Pet, who may or may not be named Atticus, was very uncooperative on this particular evening, making group photos an impossibility without massive amounts of tears.  Despite the lack of enthusiasm about getting photos taken, the kiddos all had a great time.

I managed to snap some pictures of Baxter in his costume.  Atticus didn't even give me 30 seconds for photographs.  Any attempt to put on his hat literally resulted in intense screaming.  Apparently wearing a sailor hat is as close to death as one can get.

One of my best friends dressed up with her little guy and were a little lumberjack family, mustaches and all!

Our third Wonder Pet was very willing to remain in costume, but didn't stand still long enough to get good photos.  Overjoyed is how I would have to describe his feeling that night and the speed at which he moved would confirm this.

Wonder Pet #3's little brother was a hot dog, and was surprisingly very happy to be so.  Usually 12 weeks old babies don't generally enjoy being put in an all-encompassing hot dog suit, but this little guy had a grand 'ole time.

And then there was our kitten, and a very smart-looking kitten at that.  Her mom is the craftiest of us all and whipped together her outfit last minute.  She definitely had the most fun handing out candy to all the other kids and was quick to point out anyone else dressed as some sort of cat.

For their first Halloween, I think the boys did pretty well.  I didn't have very high expectations, which probably saved me some disappointment, although it would have been nice to get a group picture.  Maybe next time.