Our Halloween consisted of the Wonder Pets, a kitten, a couple of lumberjacks and a hot dog. One Wonder Pet, who may or may not be named Atticus, was very uncooperative on this particular evening, making group photos an impossibility without massive amounts of tears. Despite the lack of enthusiasm about getting photos taken, the kiddos all had a great time.
I managed to snap some pictures of Baxter in his costume. Atticus didn't even give me 30 seconds for photographs. Any attempt to put on his hat literally resulted in intense screaming. Apparently wearing a sailor hat is as close to death as one can get.
One of my best friends dressed up with her little guy and were a little lumberjack family, mustaches and all!
Our third Wonder Pet was very willing to remain in costume, but didn't stand still long enough to get good photos. Overjoyed is how I would have to describe his feeling that night and the speed at which he moved would confirm this.
Wonder Pet #3's little brother was a hot dog, and was surprisingly very happy to be so. Usually 12 weeks old babies don't generally enjoy being put in an all-encompassing hot dog suit, but this little guy had a grand 'ole time.
And then there was our kitten, and a very smart-looking kitten at that. Her mom is the craftiest of us all and whipped together her outfit last minute. She definitely had the most fun handing out candy to all the other kids and was quick to point out anyone else dressed as some sort of cat.
For their first Halloween, I think the boys did pretty well. I didn't have very high expectations, which probably saved me some disappointment, although it would have been nice to get a group picture. Maybe next time.