On Friday, somehow, the boys didn't take naps and the result was partly cute and but mostly grouchy, irritable, frustrated and exhausted.
After a playgroup in the morning, they fell asleep on the way home. I brought them in and straight to bed, skipping lunch. Lunch could happen after their nap. But they then decided they couldn't wait and got up and if wasn't gracefully either. After a quick lunch, I put them back down, but without any success. No napping.
In the afternoon they had a doctors appointment, which you can guess how that went. Again, they fell asleep in the car but this time I brought them inside and set them on the couch. They were allowed to nap for 15-20 minutes while I got dinner ready, then I woke them up.
If you're a parent, you know how the rest of the evening went and if you're not, you can imagine. Needless to say, it was an early bedtime for the kiddos, which was very much appreciated by this mama.
Lord bless nap time, and help those who are experiencing its absence.