Thursday, May 31, 2012

Adios Michigan!

This morning, Eric and I are off to Miami for a wedding/mini-vacation!  Although we're leaving warm weather for more warm weather (I prefer leaving cold weather for warmth), it will be nice to get away together.  It's our first real trip away from the boys.  Up until now we've gone two nights.  We'll miss them terribly but I know they will be having loads of fun with grandma and grandpa while we're gone.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Garden for Children

For almost two weeks, Eric's sister Hannah has been in town from California.  We have seen a lot of her and the boys love it.  Last week, for something fun, we went to a local sculpture park/garden with her and my mother-in-law.  Within the outdoor park, there is a garden solely designated for children.  Inside, there is a flower garden, water pools, a tree house, mazes and a giant sandbox.  Nothing is off limits to touch.  It was a beautiful day and the boys enjoyed every minute we were there.

The park is ten times bigger than the children's garden and we didn't even have time to explore beyond the kid zone.  We will definitely be back again this summer and will probably come multiple times each year.  We have already been once, but spent most of the time checking out butterflies.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Weekend Wear

Our Sunday morning was jam-packed with fun stuff, beginning with a graduation open house on a lake.  Eric's cousin lives on a lake, so he had a breakfast on the beach themed party.  The weather was beautiful and warm and water was actually pretty nice.  The boys loved it.  We even caught some turtles.  It looks like we're going to have to go back this summer, because tears were shed when we left.  From there we headed to the beach, where I got majorly burned despite having a base tan.  And we finished up the day hanging out with friends who were here from out of town.  Yummy snacks, coo drinks and a nice fire made a good night, great.

Top: Target // Tank: H&M // Shorts: H&M // Wedges: Burlington Coat Factory

And the weekend isn't over yet!  If you have today off, enjoy this extra day of rest and fun!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Mississippi Burning

As Eric pressed play for this film, the last thing he said was, "this is going to make me mad."  Set in the deep south during the civil rights movement, it definitely can make you mad.  Three activists go missing and the FBI takes over a small town to search for them.  Willem Dafoe and Gene Hackman are the lead detectives, but couldn't be any more different.  Dafoe's character was raised in D.C. and doesn't understand the culture of where he now finds himself and Hackman lived most of his life in Mississippi and tries, most often unsuccessfully, to prevent Dafoe from making things worse.

The story's core is the three missing activists, but it really emphasizes the racism that was present in the south, even after legislation was passed to the contrary.  Eric and I are always baffled after watching films like this as we try and understand how someone could hate another person so much purely based on something so shallow as the color of skin.

It was also hard to believe this film was only made 25 years ago and less than 25 years after the movement.  When I've seen films about slavery or even the mistreatment of Native Americans, I don't like it but it seems so long ago.  But this, this just happened.  And I think that's the most maddening thing of all, how we could have come so far from where we were during slavery and yet still have so much hate and prejudice.

If you don't mind getting a little mad, this is definitely one to watch.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Baxter's Birthday

On Sunday afternoon we celebrated Baxter's 2nd birthday. His grandparents were there along with his aunts and uncles, including two aunts all the way from California.  It was a beautiful day, then it hailed, and then it was a beautiful day again.  He opened gifts, ate cake and ice cream, and swam in the pool.  A seriously fun day for a toddler, strictly saying based on his attitude all day.

Here's to my first successful 2 year old birthday party!  Now on to planning Atticus' in July.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Weekend Wear on Wednesday

This weekend we were busy with celebrating Baxter's birthday, spending time with family in town, getting haircuts, and working on house stuff.  In spite of everything that was going on, I was still able to have Eric snap a couple photos.  The weekend was real hot, so the lighter the fabric, the better.

I think this might be my favorite skirt of all time.  And I thrifted it, which makes me even more happy.  I don't always wear a lot of color, but I love how this skirt pops.  I also like how it can be so versatile.  A tank and sandals dress it down or a blouse and heels dresses it up.  It's just the best.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Two Years Old

When asked how old he will be, he can answer you, "2 years old."  The fact that he can even understand the question and respond with the correct answer almost instantly sends tears to my eyes.

And that's how old he is today, 2.  No longer 23 months, he is now officially 2.  He offers full thoughts and sentences, climbs the jungle with the best of them, likes to share a blanket with his brother in the morning, likes to climb up on the stool to see what I am doing in the kitchen, loves helping feed Bella, loves basketball, and he loves his stuffed animal monkey, putting him on his shoulders just like how Eric and I do with him.  He is kind, sensitive and caring; adventurous, brave and daring.  He lights up when he sees his papa is home after work, he asks about playing basketball with Uncle John every single day, and lately has been calling Atty by his full name, Atticus Carver.

He is full of energy and emotion.  Sometimes it's hard to figure him out, and I know that will probably be just an element in our relationship, but his heart is sweet and loving.

The last year and a half have been the best of my life, and as we move further into toddlerhood, I can't help but expect it to get even better.

Happy Birthday Baxter, I love you!



Sunday, May 20, 2012


Today, we are celebrating this little dude.  He turns 2 on Tuesday, although some days I swear he's turning 12.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

When I answered Eric with "no" when he asked if I'd ever seen this film, he immediately put it on our Netflix queue.  The film stars George Clooney, John Turturro and Tim Blake Nelson as a team of inmates who escape a chain gang and set out to for one last score.  Along the way, the plans changes, more than once, and they find themselves in a place where they never thought they'd be.  It's a really great story, and is loosely based on Homer's "Odyssey."  I think my favorite thing about this film is the dialogue, particularly George Clooney's.  If you watch the trailer you'll notice it immediately.

And I can't tell you what type of genre this film is considered, because it's not a western or period piece, it's kind of a comedy, but not really and it's kind of an adventure film.  Whatever the genre it falls in, it's worth seeing, at least according to me.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Apparently, We have a Fish

I have a feeling that I should probably be a little worried.  He did this over and over.  Good thing swimming lessons will be beginning soon.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Summer weather has been here lately, hopefully it'll stick around, and we have been one busy family.

We have been spending lots and lots of time outside.

We have been spending time here, at home working on things for here or out and about working on things for here.

And once in a while we slip a date night in too.

I expect this only to be the beginning.  Summer is always a busy time for us, and when you throw in remodeling and moving into a new house, life is bound to get a lot more hectic.