Thursday, January 10, 2013

Christmas Time

Since I'm so behind, here is a peak into what our holiday season looked like, including getting our Christmas tree, extended family parties, Christmas at home and Christmas with our families.  On your mark, get set, go!

Just your average Christmas holiday.  The only difference, at least from most people, is that we had between 9 and 17 people living with us for two weeks.  So maybe it wasn't your average Christmas holiday, it may have been a little unusual, but we liked it that way.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Alive and Well and Back

Hiatus is probably a major understatement for the month of crickets heard around these parts.  I didn't intend to stop posting altogether, but since I didn't have much time to shower this month, I really didn't have much time to write a blog post.  

It turns out that moving, having your husband travel a whole bunch and hosting upwards of 17 people at your house makes a person pretty busy.  To give you the short version of what the month of December looked like, on the 1st we moved into our new house, which was the same day that Eric returned from an 8 day trip to China. We unpacked and tried to get settled for a week.  On December 15, Eric left for a 7 day trip to Zambia.  The day he returned (December 21st), we already had had 5 people arrive to stay with us for the holidays and by the day after Christmas we reached our peak of 17.  And for two nights, there were 17 people sleeping in our house.  Add Christmas parties, birthday parties, hosting the biggest new years party of our lives, and two sick toddlers, and I think you can see how blogging made it way to the bottom on the "make time for" list.

But the house has recovered after new years, my kids are healthy again, and the last of our house guests headed home yesterday, so I blogging may be able to return!