Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Holiday Crazy

So, the actual holidays are now over and I can relax right?  Wrong. 

Now its back to the ole grind, both in work and with the house.  Unfortunately, its still not done completely no matter how much I wish it would be.

But our time to work on it is limited.  Even though Christmas is over, we have lots of friends and family who are visiting from out-of-state.  Since they don't come home very often, we try to open our schedule up as much as possible in order to see them a hole bunch before leaving.

I love having everyone around.  My sister-in-law, brother-in-law and his wife are all here from California which is so wonderful.  Its awesome having everyone in the same room, especially for my husband's parents.  Each time we are all together, a family photo has to be taken.  This is the curse of having a professional photographer in the family.

Here we all are, oh Johnson family.  I hope everyone has a marvelous Christmas holiday and are now able to relax and recover.

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