Sunday, January 31, 2010

Prayer List

I know a lot most of you are praying for our baby and us, so I thought it may help to know what we're praying for ourselves.

1. First and foremost we pray for protection over our baby and his/her mother.  This means both physical and spiritual protection.  These two things are probably the biggest influences on our unborn/newborn child.  20% of all children die before they are 5 and the existence of witch doctors is still a common thing throughout a lot of Africa. 

2. Right now, we are not specifying a gender.  That is just a decision and responsibility we can't handle right now.  We want the child that God has for us and if we need to specify a gender for that to happen, we just need His direction, which is what we pray for constantly.

3. We've heard countless stories about paperwork being lost or not going through correctly, so we continually pray that our paperwork will have favor whether its with the US or Congolese government.

4. Aside from praying for direction and for our baby, our biggest desire is to be the best parents to our child.  Now, we know that everyone makes mistakes, which we understand.  We just want to be the best parents possible and that may require some growing while we wait for our baby.  And if that's the case, bring it on.

5. No matter what our plans are, God's are perfect.  We strongly believe that we make our plans but God directs our steps so we are committing this entire process to Him.  We know his timing is better, no matter what that means and we want to truly and honestly believe that even if it means things take longer.

I know there's a lot listed which could possibly take up someone's afternoon, but if you have a second in the car or while in line at the bank we'd appreciate a little prayer.  And now that you know what we're praying about, we can come together in agreement and believe that no matter what this process ends up looking like, its going to be God's plan.

Thank you all, we love you very much.


  1. Mark and I will be keeping you and Eric in our prayers as you take this step in your lives. Keep strong in your commitment to God, and He will direct your steps as you stated in your post.

  2. I love that you shared this! I pray for that baby and the momma every day! Great things to add to the list, though. We love you very much, too!
