We have our third and final visit on Wednesday. Although this time, she's coming to us. Since we enjoy each other so much I may just make dinner even though she's coming at 4:30pm. We'll probably be there all night.
But seriously, we are going to kick butt this weekend and finish everything so I won't have a meltdown about the state of our house when she comes. We even made progress already. I framed a chalk board, cork board and magnet board for our "office" and the kitchen a couple of weeks ago and this past Wednesday, Eric hung them for me. See....I think it turned out great!
Below is the one in our kitchen. I am planning on putting a lot more frames around it (like a collage) with art and photos. So we still have some work to do but at least they're off the floor :)
Along with hanging my frames, Eric put up the last of our blinds. He's just so handy.
Aside from all of the projects we need to finish, I am working on finishing our paperwork. I had to have a letter from my doctor notarized stating that I am in good health. Sounds easy right, wrong! My office doesn't have a notary on staff so I spent about 2 hours last Friday calling everyone in the Yellow Pages under Notary. Thankfully I found a wonderful man who agreed to meet me at the office today. When leaving, he refused any sort of payment or compensation for helping me. What a blessing! In spite of how difficult it was to get this done, good is still shining through.
Yay, you put the frames to good use! They look very nice! :)