Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Drumroll Please.....

I am happy to announce that Eric and I have accepted two referrals this week!  We are going to have two little boys!  We are just super excited!

Sadly, I am not able to post their names or photos at this time.  Our agency has a no blog policy until the children are legally ours.  This policy is to help protect the integrity of our adoption.  We do not want anyone to question our motives if we're posting identifying information about our children on public sites. 

Thankfully, if you see me, I will most definitely have photos to show off and news to share.

And hopefully the legal process will move quickly and we will be able to introduce them as our actual children soon.

Now that we have both of our referrals, the next phase can begin.  Once some legalities are taken care of in the Congo, we will begin filling out paperwork to sent to the embassy requesting exit approvals and other things in order to take them home with us.  According to our timeline, we may be able to bring them home as soon as 3-5 months.

As things progress and as we complete more steps, we will absolutely keep people updated.

We thank you for all of your support and I am oh-so excited to post photos soon!


  1. HOOOOORAY!!! I just love them so!

  2. We couldn't be more excited for all FOUR of you! I have been checking your blog almost every day...anticipating the good news! Make sure you let the group at church know about this...we can't wait to be a part of your bringing your sons home! Prayers for the rest of the process. :)

  3. Woohooo!!!!!
    So exciting!!!
    Let's hope it's 3 months!

  4. Yay! I had no idea that you had your referral. So happy for you.

    We're finishing our dossier after getting our immigration approval only a week and 2 days after our fingerprinting appointment. I'm leaving on September 1st to Ethiopia to pick up my new niece from Ethiopia.

    I can't wait to see pictures at the adoption group.
