Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I really can't believe Christmas is just over a week away.  With all of the new adjustments, we haven't really done anything to celebrate.  We don't have a tree, didn't put up lights, or decorate the house.  In our defense, we do not have a place to put a tree.  So Christmas has really snuck up on us this year.  Hopefully I will be finishing up my Christmas shopping this evening.  Eric is going to come home a little early today so I can get that and grocery shopping done.  It's definitely a new step having to coordinate when one can leave, so the other is sure to be home.  Starting this weekend, we will be taking the boys on a lot more outings.  This weekend is two family Christmas parties, along with Christmas Eve and Christmas Day next week.  We have a pretty good routine for bedtime, but we're hoping that they are flexible enough to go with whatever we have to do.

Along with holiday festivities, this is the first week I am home alone with the boys.  Eric went back to work on Monday.  It hasn't been too difficult, it's really just more time consuming.  It takes a lot longer to feed and change the boys all by myself.  Other than that, they are sticking to their schedule pretty consistently.  We are all still going through adjustments, but it's starting to get easier as things fall into place.

Even Bella, our dog, is starting to get attached.  The other night when we put the boys asleep, she remained upstairs for half an hour after we came down.  She was sleeping at the top of the stairs.  It was so precious.

I hear crying babies.  I guess that means it's time for lunch.  Have a wonderful Wednesday!

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