Thursday, December 30, 2010

One Month Home

Merry post-Christmas and happy early New Years!  I can't believe that the year is already over.  I say this every year, but it is never insincere.  It always amazes me how fast an entire year can go, and how much can change within that year.  It's incredible to think that at this time last year Eric and I were debating whether or not to make the drive to Indianapolis to check out MLJ Adoptions.  And now our adoption journey is over, and parenthood has begun. 

Over the last month, we have had a lot of fun having the boys home (interlaced with some more challenging experiences).  The boys are doing better each day and I am getting to know their personalities better each day.  They are definitely very different, but we love them to pieces just the way they are.  Their personalities balance each other out really well.  And we have successfully developed a schedule.  It still requires a little more tweaking during the night, but overall it makes things 10x easier.  Having a schedule has been the most helpful with families and friends wanting to visit.  I am now able to inform visitors of when the boys will be awake.  At the beginning we had a lot of people stop by during nap time because we never knew when they would be awake or asleep.  Honestly, I would have to say that the scheduled makes things 100x easier.

Although things are getting easier, we are all still adjusting.  The new challenge is taking the boys with us.  Trying to pack for, get ready and load two infants is ridiculously hard, and the amount of stuff you need to bring is outrageous!  I was given a very large diaper bag and I fill it so full every time we leave, it almost bursts.  And each time we get in the car I have a mild panic attack trying to remember what we probably forgot.

But overall, everything has been going really well.  I truly believe that our lack of children prior to the boys has made it easier.  We do not have anything to compare this experience to, and don't know the difference between one child or two.  

No matter what, we love our little boys and can't imagine them not being here.  We are super excited to see what this coming year holds for us.  Either way, it's going to be the busiest year we have ever had, and we're looking forward to it's craziness :)

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