Monday, January 3, 2011


As I said in my last post, things are going great, but tears are still a common occurrence each day.  So, I thought I would be open and honest, and post some of the photos that have captured the not-so-happy moments.


In spite of all of the tears, I am been just so happy to have the boys home.  Some days are worse than others, but I have been able to handle everything so far.  A big stress reliever is Eric.  He has been so amazing over the last month.  He is incredibly willing to help and constantly offers to put the boys down at night so I can go and do something with my friends.  And he also gets up with the boys throughout the night.  I couldn't ask for a better teammate. 

It's going so well, that when we have friends and family offer to pick stuff up for us, or run errands, I feel bad for turning down their offer.  Being new parents is definitely not easy, but in the same breath, it's not overwhelming us too much.  I am a very independent person, but can ask for help, especially in situations like these.  Only I don't feel like I am in need of someone to come and wash my dishes for me.  So far, I have been able to keep up with the house cleaning and grocery shopping.  It is more challenging to find the time and coordinate with Eric when I can go, but it's not impossible.

Honestly, the biggest help we have received were the numerous dinners that were brought to us the first several weeks of being home.  I truly believe that my stress level would be off the charts had I been responsible for dinners from day one.  What a HUGE blessing it was.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout this journey, in every way, shape and form.  We love you all.

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