Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day

As most people know, the Midwest has received a large amount of snow since yesterday, leaving most children and adults with a snow day.  Truthfully, it's just not the same when you're a stay-at-home-mom.  The kiddos still take the same naps, need to be fed at the same times, require the same amount of attention, and fuss just as much.  Just because it's a "snow day" doesn't mean your kids act any differently or you get to spend more time relaxing.  Alas.

But I do still get time to myself while the boys nap.  And with all this snow, for some reason I don't feel as guilty for spending time online, and still being in my pajamas.  That, plus a hot cup of cocoa just seems right. 

The only unfortunate thing about this blizzard (snowpocalypse has actually been used here in MI), is that I was planning on grocery shopping tonight.  Yep, the snow storm came when my refrigerator and cupboards are bare, and I was not able to get to the store yesterday.  And it's been reported that the side roads, which is what I live on, won't be plowed for another 8 hours or so.  Although, Eric was able to make it off our road and to work. 

But there is a slight possibility that our road won't even be plowed at all.  When you have odd/even parking, you grow to despise those that park on the wrong side of the street.  And last night, two people decided that they were going to park on the wrong side.  When this happens, some plow trucks won't come down our street at all.  They have a hard time fitting between two rows of cars.  Ugh, how frustrating. 

It's crazy to think that this would have been the best day ever when I was a kid.  Now, I just get mad at the two crazies who prevent me from going to the grocery store.  It's interesting how our perceptions change at different times in life.

Happy Snow Day!

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