Happy Fourth of July! We are splitting our day between Eric's grandparent's house and my parent's house. And we'll end the night walking downtown to watch fireworks, barring any curve balls the kiddos throw at us.
Last week, Eric's mom offered an overnight to us on short notice. But being that our motto is never say no, we eagerly accepted. Friday night was spent with friends and Saturday morning Eric and I went to breakfast together for the first time since before the kiddos came home. It was a joyous occasion because breakfast is definitely my favorite meal. And to add to the wonderfulness, the weather that morning was just perfect, so we walked.
I didn't realize that this was the face Eric was making until it was too late. As you can obviously see, he's not a morning person.
I got a half-order of pancakes, which apparently means two pancakes each the size of dinner plates.
I couldn't even finish one. It wasn't because they weren't food, because they were. They were just massive. And sadly, they had wheat. Looks like I'm gluten sensitive since I bloated less than 30 minutes after eating. FYI, sweet potato pancakes doesn't necessarily mean that they are completely made of sweet potatoes. Failure on my part.
Apart from confirming my gluten sensitivity, the morning was very pleasant. After breakfast, we walked by a couple of thrift-type stores. We didn't end up purchasing anything, but those are my favorite places to peruse. Besides, I still have half a dozen shirts to alter from my last thrift store success.
Well, now I'm off to celebrate the holiday. Happy Independence Day one and all!
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