Friday, September 2, 2011

Really September?!

If you haven't gathered by the numerous posts mentioning it over the last few weeks, I love fall.  Like, I LOVE fall.  And September 1st is usually when I feel justified in getting out the cardigans and scarves.  Well, yesterday was September 1st and instead of cardigans and scarves, I was pretty much bathing in my own sweat (yuck, I know).  So far this year, mother nature has not given us Michiganders much consistency.  I mean, are there many other places where it can be 60 degrees one day and 90 the next?!  Yeah, I didn't think so. 

So yesterday I needed to go grocery shopping and the box fan just wasn't cuttin' it, so off we ventured to the nicely air-conditioned supermarket.  It was quite the adventure to say the least.  I had a list too long to let Baxter sit inside the cart, so I maneuvered two carts simultaneously through the store.  It took twice as long and now I have sore wrists, but whatev, we stayed cool and grocery shopping is checked off my list.

I also need to thank my lucky stars, or my children, because they did so well as I fumbled through the store.  By the end of our trip there was screaming, but it was gleeful, which I think is much less annoying if you're a passerby in the grocery store.  Our checkout line was pretty long, so I was able to snag this little video for you.

Man, they are cute, aren't they?  This helped make up for the meltdown that took place just prior to leaving for the store.  It's kind of nice how they do that, isn't it?  Just when you're ready to freak out, they do something that melts your heart and your patience level is restored again.

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