Thursday, October 6, 2011

Keeping Busy

Lately I have been feeling like I have been really lacking when it comes to blogging.  It's a weird feeling.  There's this real urge to post about important stuff, whether it's a memory made with my family or something that's been weighing on me, but it always seems to take a backseat, which isn't wrong.  Here are the things that have been taking up my blogging time.

Taking care of these two fellas

Keeping up with homework

Making sure I don't go insane because my house is a mess

I am going to try and organize my time a little better, which hopefully will allow for adequate time to blog.  I'm usually pretty organized, but I think I am the worst at organizing my time.  I'll put getting better at that on my to-do list.  That'll make sure it gets done, right?


  1. Me too, for at least a month. Let us know if you find any secrets to finding more time.
