Sunday, March 11, 2012

Blooming Butterflies

This little city we live in is pretty neat.  We have something called Fredrik Meijer Gardens, which is an indoor and outdoor sculture park and garden.  Throughout the year there are several exhibits that come through, but between March and April, the big to-do is see the butterflies.  Beginning March 1st, 60 different species of butterflies are hatched in a little conservatory and by the end, over 6,000 will have been released.

I went with a girlfriend, her two little boys and my mother-in-law.  And a big shout out to my MIL because having an two extra hands made things astronomically easier!

Anyway, back to the butterflies.  The boys all LOVED exploring and seeing all of the brightly colored bugs.  Baxter and Atticus both did really great if I'm allowed to brag a little.  And they loved having a friend along too.  It's so much fun to have friends who are having kids around the same time as we are. It makes outings like this so much more fun than if I went on my own.

Seeing the boys interact and build friendships is pretty much the sweetest thing ever.  Multiple times each week Baxter will ask if we're going to play with his buddy.  I foresee very regular play dates this summer.

This little outing was so much fun, and the outdoor garden for kids is ah-mazing!  We didn't see much of it because it's still pretty cold here, but we'll definitely be back this summer and I have even contemplated getting a membership.  It's so awesome that we have these types of places here.  I love having such unique things to do with the kiddos.  Is there anything fun and unique where you live?

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