Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Over spring break, the boys and I ventured to a fun, child-friendly farm with my mother-in-law.  She used to bring Eric and his siblings there when it first opened.  Since then it's grown significantly and now has lots and lots of animals, all of which kids can interact with, most they can pet.

I was surprised, but Atticus wasn't at all afraid of the chickens.  He fed them corn right out of his hand. What a brave boy.

Actually, Atticus was pretty brave when it came to most of the animals.  Baxter was much more hesitant to touch, let alone pick up an animal.  Even the bunnies.  And if you have any idea of how fond Atticus is of soft things, I was a little worried about the bunnies getting smothered by his cuddles.  But he did real good.  No bunnies were harmed in the making of this blog post.

Some things I didn't get photos of were feeding a calf his bottle, playing in the cat house, and watching the staff run the sheep to pasture. There were so many different animals; sheep, horses, goats, cows/calves, pigs, chickens/roosters/chicks, cats, bunnies, ducks/ducklings, geese, donkeys, a turkey,  oh my!  Both boys had tons of fun.  Despite not being too keen on touching the animals, Baxter couldn't stop talking about it and still brings up seeing horses or bunnies on a fairly regular basis.  We also went to the zoo over spring break, but for their age, I think this was a lot more fun for them, just because they were able to touch everything.  As a parent, it's pretty rare that you can go an entire morning never have to say "don't touch that."  It was awesome.

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