Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ode to Pinterest: Recipes

I am the first one to admit that I am not a chef.  I wouldn't even consider myself a good cook, but since Pinterest came to town, I have felt brave enough to try some new things.  Actually, I try to make something new once a week.  Pinterest makes it so easy to find recipes, especially from friends.  Since I have a gluten sensitivity, I check the food boards of friends who also have food allergies.  That way, it's more likely that I will be able to make them without too many substitutions.

Here are a few recipes I have tried from Pinterest and that have received an A+ from the mister and boys.

And here are a few that I am hoping to try in the coming weeks.  Thank you Pinterest!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Real Vacation

The family and I are off to take a real vacation.  No agendas, no appointments, nowhere to be, nothing that has to be done, just enjoying time on a lake and with family and a few friends.  Since I will be unplugging this week, I have set up a few "ode to Pinterest" posts.  Hopefully they will do as I spend an entire week either in a swimsuit or any form of ultra-comfortable attire.

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Dark Night Rises

Eric and I saw this film opening weekend.  Eric was super excited to see it, as was I.  Our showing was at 11:30pm.  I most definitely snuck Starbucks into the theatre so I knew I wouldn't get tired.  Not that this film could in any way make you tired.  I just wanted to be sure, and will take any reason to have some Starbucks.

This definitely is an exciting movie, and we were both surprised to see that it was three hours later when we got back to our car.  Neither of us felt like it was too long.  I personally liked Anne Hathaway in the role of Catwoman, although they never call her by that name in the film.  And Tom Hardy was incredible as Bane.  It has action, adventure, crazy gadgets, twists and a really great cast; everything that you'd hope to see in a summer blockbuster.

I thought it lived up to the Dark Knight trilogy, and there's a twist at the end that makes you wonder if there may be more.  But to be honest, it wasn't my favorite of the Dark Knight films.  

But if you're looking for a fun night out, this is definitely a movie to see.  And besides, who can resist Batman?  Pow, Smack, Bam!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Celebrating Two Years

Last week was Atty's birthday, so we gathered our families to celebrate.  When asked how old he is, Atticus would respond with two, and then immediately ask about birthday cake.  The day before, the day of, the day after, even today, he still talks about birthday cake.

Atty received a duplo table and duplos from his grandparents.  As soon as he opened them, he couldn't be torn away.  All he wanted to do was build.

Baxter, on the other hand, was more interested in the box that the table came in.  He's currently in a phase where he likes to hide all of the time.

But the thing that trumped it all was Eric's gift.  He built a table with an amplifier and speakers so Atty could use music mixing apps on our iPad.  Everything is built right into the table.  It's been the only thing the boys want to do if we're inside.  Thankfully, the iPad is removable so it makes it pretty easy to limit how much they're on it.  I think he has won the coolest dad award, hands down.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekend Wear

This weekend, some of our friends came in from out of town and a bunch of us went out to dinner.  I'll take any reason for a date night, but this was a good one, and my mom even offered to take the boys overnight!  Because we don't get to go out as often as we used to, I opted for a cute pair of heels.  I contemplated wearing a pair of wedges with straps, but went with the pumps.  Bad idea.  As a woman who used to wear heels quite frequently, I love them.  But as a mom of two toddler boys, I just don't wear them nearly as often (could also be read as "at all").  It was hot, so my feet got a little sweaty/slippery, combined with some cobblestone sidewalk and a lengthy amount of time between wearing heels, so I ended up slipping out of them and almost tripping about 6 times.  Eric would argue that it was closer to a dozen, but I'm sticking with 6.  Needless to say, it was a shoe fail.  I should have went with my better judgement and the strapped wedges.  But who knows, maybe I'll listen to my better judgement next time, or maybe I'll just keep wearing pumps.

Top & Necklace: Thrifted // Jeans: H&M // Pumps: Nordstrom Rack

Friday, July 20, 2012

Caddy Shack

I'll be the first to admit it, I don't always understand 80s movies and this is one of them.  It's a classic and fun to watch, but sometimes I just scratch my head when it's over.  Like, why was Michael O'Keefe cast as the cute lead?  I know the lead isn't always best filled by a hunk of burning love, but he didn't seem like the guy who would have been getting girls right and left.  Also, when a girl says that she's pregnant, and the guy offers to marry her, don't you think he'd ask questions if her response was "it may not be yours?"  Like, I didn't know you were with anyone else.  But apparently it wasn't a big deal in 1980.

We watched this film with a bunch of friends and had a great time.  That doesn't automatically mean that I was in love with the film.  But then again, I don't think I'm in love with many films from the 80s.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


As of today, I officially have two 2-year olds.  For some reason, Baxter has always seemed a little older and Atty has always seemed like the baby.  And now, my baby is 2.  I seriously cannot handle how fast these boys are growing.

Atticus dunks his head completely underwater when he blows bubbles, will randomly break into song (usually Twinkle, Twinkle), loves music of all kinds, and has become particularly fond of a certain blanket.  He isn't totally articulate, although I have a good grasp of what he's saying most of the time, but quiz the kid in numbers or colors and you'll be blown away.  He is a bottomless pit when it comes to food and prefers fruits and vegetables over anything else.  The other day, I had to bribe him to finish his tuna casserole by offering more nectarines.  True story.  The swing is still his favorite thing to do at the park and would swing for hours at a time if we would let him.  He now can swing on any type of swing, no longer just the baby one.  It turns out that he is the stubborn one, and the one that is always trying to get his way.  He masks it well under big eyes and wide, adorable grin.  I am going to have to be ready, as he has already started to use this kind of superpower to his advantage.  He is cuddly and constantly asking to be held or given hugs, but there is a spark in his eyes that reminds me that he can also be quite devious.  He says "mommy" with a high inflection at the end, making is seem like he has an accent.

Then: December 2010

Now: July 2012

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Farm

My dad's cousin owns a farm.  Not an animal farm, but a raspberry, strawberry and asparagus farm.  Every year, everyone is invited out to play in a lawn dart tournament and pick raspberries.  Eric played in the tournament, which he does most every year, and the boys and I picked raspberries.  Only between cheering Eric on.

And a day at the farm wouldn't be complete without checking out and sitting on the massive tractors.

According to what we brought back, we picked about two pints of raspberries, but in reality, it was about three.  The boys were picking with the philosophy of one in the mouth, one in the container.  

Monday, July 16, 2012

Weekend Wear

Oh how I miss my dslr.  I didn't think it would be that bad without it, but now it's going on five weeks or so and I'm looking forward to having it back.  Currently it's off having adventures in Iceland with one of the guys from Eric's office.

Until it arrives home, it seems that I am stuck with my iPhone, which allows me mostly mediocre photos at best.  But I am thankful for a phone that takes nice pictures, so I won't complain.  

What I do want to complain about is the weather, but I am going to try and refrain from that too.  You see, as someone who's grown up in Michigan I have a short term memory problem, like everyone else here.  In the winter I complain about the cold and wish for summer and in the summer I complain about the heat and wish for colder weather.  It just comes with the territory when you live in a place with such extreme weather changes.  One thing that doesn't change though is my favorite season, fall.  I am looking forward to it in all it's fleeting wonderfulness, but am trying not to wish it here too soon.  For now, I'm trying to have fun in shorts and tank tops, be content with my hair pulled back or in a top knot all the time, having the best tan of my life, be able to play outside all day with the boys and spending lots and lots of times swimming.

It's actually a really great summer, as long as I can forgot how incredible hot and sweaty I am.

Jumper: Thrifted // Belt: Hand-me-down from Grandma // Sandals: Target

Friday, July 13, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

I seriously loved this movie you guys, seriously.  I wasn't in love with Darjeeling Limited or even Fantastic Mr Fox, but this one, I really, really liked.  I loved the story, the cinematography, the style, even the font for the opening and closing credits.

The story revolves around a young boy and girl on a small island.  She lives there, he is there at khaki scouts camp for the summer.  They bond over their inability to fit in with everyone else and decide to run away together.  Wes Anderson gathers lots of talent (Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Bruce Willis, Tilda Swinton, Francis McDormand and Jason Schwartzman), and I love every single one of them in their particular role.

I think the film was a little bittersweet for Eric, since he has had a feature film written for the past 8 years that is very similar to this film (style, era, even a camp).  Now, if he gets to make it, it may seem like a copycat, although is was an original idea.  Despite this, he still enjoyed the film.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I love going to the gym, I love the feeling after a great workout, and I love being sore after the aforementioned workout.  But I tend to fall into ruts where I do the same things over and over again, because I just don't know what else to do.  I watch what other people are doing and try those exercises and tear pages from fitness magazines, but it didn't do the trick.  And then my sister-in-law came home for a visit and my workouts will never be the same.

I was introduced to the Nike Training Club.  A free app for my iPhone that is now my personal trainer. There are three different types of workouts within the app, and numerous workouts within each category.  I like doing "get lean" and "get strong" workouts, as well as doing focused ab workouts.  And don't underestimate this harmless looking app, it will have your butt kicked in the first ten minutes.  Its a circuit training program, so there's no stopping unless it tells you and incorporates cardio into every workout so you're getting twice the workout at once.

In addition to kicking your butt, it allows you to set the music for your entire workout from your iTunes playlists, lets you watch videos of each exercise to make sure that you're doing it properly and offers you bonuses.  Seriously, who doesn't love incentives?

And just so you know, I don't get anything for doing a post like this (although, I don't know why Nike hasn't called me to help with promotion).  I just have been loving it that much and like to share it with anyone who will listen.  I'm pretty much an evangelist for it and probably annoy random people in the grocery store who may or may not think I'm crazy.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Weekend Wear

It's still hot, which means I am still wearing cotton tees and shorts.  Although, this week it's supposed to "cool down" to a comfortable 88 degrees.  Seriously, I cannot remember a hotter summer.  On the bright side, we have been swimming a ton, which is pretty much heaven for the boys.

So, what did we do the day I wore this particular cotton tee with these particular shorts?  We had dinner with family and then went swimming, what else!

Top & Shorts: Gap // Sandals: Target

I just got these shorts for crazy cheap at Gap.  Thank you extra 40% off on clearance items sale.