Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Farm

My dad's cousin owns a farm.  Not an animal farm, but a raspberry, strawberry and asparagus farm.  Every year, everyone is invited out to play in a lawn dart tournament and pick raspberries.  Eric played in the tournament, which he does most every year, and the boys and I picked raspberries.  Only between cheering Eric on.

And a day at the farm wouldn't be complete without checking out and sitting on the massive tractors.

According to what we brought back, we picked about two pints of raspberries, but in reality, it was about three.  The boys were picking with the philosophy of one in the mouth, one in the container.  


  1. Holy Crow! I follow in google reader and I hadn't seen the new blog. It looks fabulous!!! I was curious where you get the boys tanks. They are so stinking precious. Love the pictures!

    1. Thanks Dorian! I got those tanks from Gap Kids. I am pretty particular when it comes to tanks so I made sure to get a few :)

  2. We primarily shop at gap too. We shop pretty strictly from the clearance section and usually pay yard sale prices... babygap is my all time favorite kids clothing store.

  3. How cute is Atty in those shades?! And that smile! Great photos!
