Saturday, August 25, 2012

Crazy Wedding Weekend!

Ladies and well, ladies.  I was privileged enough to attend the most magical wedding in the history of weddings last night.  Then why are you titling this post crazy, you ask?  That's because I was the unofficial matradee of services (according to one friend), so I have been working on getting ready for this wedding the last three days.  The boys spent lots of time with their grandparents and I did a lot of running around, getting flowers, setting up chairs, and decorating tables.  Basically, everything that needs doing when a wedding it taking place.

Since I was so busy helping to ensure that everything went smoothly, I didn't get many opportunities to take photos.  But I did manage to get a few.

She invited me to get ready with her at the hotel.  We had fun, drank Starbucks and got all fancy!

This is what it looked like with everything set up during the day.

It was such a precious ceremony!

This is how it looked after the sun went down during toasts and dinner.  Magical I tell ya, simply magical!

I had to at least attempt to get one of Eric and I.  We were both so busy running around (he filmed their wedding, hence the camera in his hands) that this was about as good as it got.

The couple are just such wonderful friends of ours and we were totally honored to be included in their special day.  Congrats Mr and Mrs Melton!

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