Friday, March 15, 2013

Vroom Vroom

I should really be ashamed.  I have seriously neglected by dslr for many months, and therefore haven't taken any quality photos of my kids in that long.  I love using my phone, a little too much probably.  It's just so easy to take a photo and share it.  I will cherish those photos because they capture our day to day, but I also need to make more of an effort to take higher quality photos of my kids.  I feel that this is just as important as capturing our daily life.  And so, while Eric and the boys build tracks and raced hot wheels cars the other day, I got out our camera.

Eric brought the tracks home from his parents house.  They used to belong to him and his brothers.  I cannot even begin to explain how excited the boys were and how much fun they had.  Some mornings, before Eric heads to work, one of them will ask if they can "play cars" when he gets home, and you can bet that the first thing they say to him when he walks in the door is, "let's play cars now!"

I absolutely love watching the relationship Eric has with our boys.  It's such a beautiful thing.  They admire him so much, and he's such a great example for them.  I have no doubts that they will grow up to be great men with such an incredible dad to lead them.

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