Sunday, May 15, 2011

Low Key, Gloomy Sunday

Today we're spending the day inside, relaxing and getting stuff done on our ever-growing to do list.  We'd like to be outside, but the weather is forcing us in, in addition to our list of things to do.  It's crazy, on Friday, it was almost 80 degrees out, and currently the temperature is 43 degrees, according to my Weather Channel phone app.  Ugh, I think I need another cup of tea, just to stay warm.

The weekend has been a lot of fun, but a day to catch up on things is greatly needed.  Especially with our social worker coming on Tuesday.  I want to make sure the the house is very clean. 

And I am hoping to also spend some time tonight going through the numerous photos I took at my friend's shower yesterday.  I went a little picture crazy, and now must sift through 200+ photos.  My goal is to have a post up tonight about it, but we'll see.

I hope everyone's weekend has been grand thus far, and I hope that your Sunday is much nicer than mine (it wouldn't take much).

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