Friday, December 18, 2009

Too Much Time On My Hands

So, I don't like my display name/header, its just BORING.  I have been sitting here, wracking my brain to think of something cute and creative, yet descriptive.  But since I am trying oh-so hard, I am drawing more and more of a blank.

If you have any thoughts, my imaginary followers, please let me know.

Also, I made a paper doll to indicate what I got someone for Christmas since they won't actually receive it until January.  I am so proud of myself for a.) thinking it up all myself and b.) being crafty enough actually accomplish it successfully.  So to commemorate this momentous occasion, I have taken photos along the way and will be posting them soon.

This is Teresa Johnson signing out....good day.


So, about 30 seconds after I published the above post, I thought of something I might like instead of my original header.  "at least I tried" isn't too bad.  I think I am going to try it out for a bit.  Plus, its the interet, if I end up not liking it as much its just a click away from being changed  :)

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